Chinese Medicine

Happy New Year: Yin Wood Snake 2025!

Today we transition to the Yin Wood Snake year of 2025, out of the vibrant Yang Wood Dragon annual qi. Let’s explore this profound shift in energy and its implications for our wellbeing and personal growth.

Please join us for our Lunar New Year Talk & Party! This year, we’ll be together at Blue Willow Teaspot on Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 7pm. We'll explore practical strategies for aligning with this year's energy and have a lot of fun doing it. Registration info here.

If You’re Afraid of the Dark: Take a Look!

The Yin Wood Snake year brings a stark contrast to the outward, dynamic energy we've just experienced. This year is characterized by a deeply introspective, "down and in" nature, calling us to turn our focus inward.

The forceful momentum of the previous year gives way to a time for rest, sleep, dream, and recalibration. This is a year for observation, for gathering resources, for rooting deeply into our most authentic truth, perhaps even re-evaluating what our truth may be. In fact, consider allowing a generous not-knowing about how to re-evaluate truth, or whether it is even possible.

Stay in the not-knowing. That’s where the wisdom is this year.

Never Sat Still Before? Give It a Try! 

The world of possibilities we were introduced to last year is still there. We just know now more than ever that we don’t know what to do with it. It is a great year to be a beginner at stillness.

Interestingly, the Yin Wood Snake finds itself in an unusual element. The elemental qi native to the Snake is Yin Fire: a simmering, smoldering quality that waits for its moment to strike. So, Snake energy is comfortable with stillness, even hiding, and waiting. The Snake this year is paired with Yin Wood – an energy more naturally aligned with the Rabbit, which wants to hunker down. Yin Wood Snake is an immature serpent lacking what Ming called “striking force,” not knowing its timing, aware that it needs to re-evaluate itself, but unsure how and wants help doing it.

Generally, we think of a Wood Snake as a harmless snake, but when we apply this elemental value to annual qi, we see that the fire energy is in there. Expect a year of watchful waiting, but look out occasional expressions of wood-like impulsive energy, especially in the springtime. We may see an unripe, striking quality in the summer months or certain lunar months. Wood Snake is generally docile, but think of immature poisonous snakes in the wild which cannot yet regulate the flow of venom. These can be more dangerous than they would be in maturity, but they are also less effective.

This mismatch between the Snake's native element and the year's energy has significant implications:

·      Caution grand new projects or big ventures. Pump the brakes and consider just planning instead. It is a Wood year, so some individuals may nevertheless find success (depending on personal astrology and fate progressions), but in general, new initiatives may struggle or even collapse with little concentrated energy for get-up-and-go.

·      True to the Snake's nature, there's potential for deep, profound learning from these experiences. What is success or failure, really, in the grand scheme of things, haha?

·      When we are in touch with our true nature, we are not dependent upon external gains. The Snake offers us the opportunity to look deeper into reality, embracing truths that lie beneath surface appearances. Snake energy doesn’t care whether we learn the easy way or the hard way. We have the possibility of understanding this truth this year ourselves, rather than just being freaked out.  The main takeaways of the year may be hidden from view—meaning not understood until years later, and/or manifesting as internal transformation.

·      The Yin Wood aspect reminds us not to take ourselves – or the reality we perceive – too seriously. Judicious use of humor can be a valuable tool this year. Fun fact: humor is a great way to fight fascism. Autocrats need us to take them seriously and rely on fear to hold control. There is actual research on this. I encourage you to look at it for the sake of aligning yourself with the qi of the year…this will also help protect against that Yin Wood Snake tendency for depression.

·      While the Yin Fire Snake typically waits for the perfect moment to strike, the Yin Wood Snake may struggle to recognize when to take action. This emphasizes the importance of patience and careful observation.

Humor Undermines Fear!

Let’s break down the energy:

Socially and politically, there will be false-starts. The whip of the dragon’s tail (the end of the previous year) saw a time when leadership threw every idea that it could against the wall. It was a hasty and disorganized exercise: executive orders and proclamations signed which had weird typos and inaccuracies which bear the mark of AI. In Yin Wood Snake year, we will see what sticks—not much. Other things may move forward in a hidden way: backroom dealings, sloppily done.

In terms of health, this time presents an opportunity to observe and concentrate our energy. It's a time for deep healing and internal work. Path dreaming. However, be mindful of the potential for heaviness, depression, or feelings of hopelessness – these are the unhealthy manifestations of this year's energy if not properly balanced. See your acupuncturist.

In tech and business: creativity always abounds in a wood year, but we might not see the work product immediately this time. Snake invites imagination to the way projects are conceived and accomplished. Expect total re-evaluations of how things are done, often coming from the ground up, maybe not released until next year. Creative fields are emphasized. Design, too. In medicine, look for tech developments. AI will obviously transform in this coming year, as it has in the past, but look for a snake signature.

Romantically, snake energy is about seductive energy and mystery. A snake year can be hot! Snake, however, doesn’t normally like to show itself. When it does, there will be deep intimacy. Snakes energy may equally hide in plain sight. Case by case.

The Takeaway: 

If you are afraid of the dark, take a look! If you have never sat still, give it a try! Humor undermines fear!

As we navigate this introspective year, remember that it's setting the stage for the more action-oriented Fire Horse year to follow. We’ll know what to do when we get there. Use this time wisely for observation, organization, and internal preparation.

To learn about how the annual energy affects the 12 animals — and delve deeper into how you can harness the unique energies of the Yin Wood Snake year—join us for our Lunar New Year Talk at Blue Willow Teaspot on Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 7pm. We'll explore practical strategies for aligning with this year's energy. Registration info here.

We're here to support your journey through this transformative year, helping you cultivate the inner wisdom and strength that will serve you in the more active times to come.

Magical Herbal Ally for Spring: Cinnamon!

Magical Herbal Ally for Spring: Cinnamon!

As we enter this inspiring renewal phase—called “wood” in Chinese medicine—we emerge from the dark, cold energy of winter—called “Taiyang.” This means that pathological factors such as cold, dampness, and stagnation are being stirred up and wind is stirring and agitating the nervous system. Cinnamon can help!

Dr. Anne's Expanded Hours! Now in the Office for Acupuncture on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and online for Chinese Astrology

Announcement: Extra Clinic Day with Dr. Anne - Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Anne will be offering an additional clinic day at our office, specifically dedicated to acupuncture and herbal medicine. Dr. Anne brings years of experience and expertise in these complementary therapies, fostering holistic healing for our patients. Starting next week, patients can book appointments with Dr. Anne for acupuncture sessions and herbal medicine consultations on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. This expansion of services provides an more opportunities to feel amazing using a natural approach to heal and balance body and mind. Experience the transformative benefits of acupuncture and herbal medicine at our clinic with Dr. Anne's guidance in the Berkeley office at Walnut & Vine in the Gourmet Ghetto. Schedule your appointment today and sign up for the email list for infrequent announcements and helpful offerings!

Sports Medicine Broth

Joint injuries sometimes stall out in their healing if certain resources are lacking in the bloodstream for thorough physical repair. This results in long term pain and discomfort and the development of arthritis as we age. Fortunately, there are simple things we can do at home to aid healing.

Digestive Pickle Recipe

Part of traditional East Asian medical food cure theory is eating so that all six tastes--sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy and astringent--are present in each meal. These tastes answer different needs in the body and mind. Therefore, the presence of all six in your bowl gives a sense of satisfaction when eating.

Most of us find sweet and salty tastes readily in our diets. Spicy, bitter and astringent are only needed in very small quantities. But, what about sour?

Recently in the clinic, I have had many requests for pickle recipes. In the Ayurvedic tradition, the sour taste is a combination of Earth and Fire elements. It generally lowers vata dosha while increasing digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

The Chinese tradition recommends for us to have a small bite or two of something pickled or fermented a little while before a main meal as a digestive aid. Fermented foods include yogurt, kefir, miso, citrus fruits, and live vinegar. In moderation, this digestive fire enhances our digestive capacity--or, agni--but, in excess can interrupt other functions in the body and disturb the mind. The sour taste stimulates salivation, promotes appetite and sharpens the mind. Sour foods are generally carminative and diaphoretic, rajasic in nature.

Pickles are quite easy to make at home. There are slow-cured pickles and fast ones, vinegar-based pickles and brine-based ones. A handy tool for pickle preparation is a Japanese pickle press, which are easy to find online. However, no fancy equipment is necessary to get some delicious pickles going in your own kitchen. Any deep bowl with a plate that fits inside the opening on top will do (to push the food contents below the liquid).

The recipe below is very adaptable. Use your favorite vinegar and play with the vegetable combinations. Some Chinese herbs lend themselves well to pickling, such as Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum).

Ume Vinegar Pickles

1 part ume plum vinegar
2-3 parts water (depending on personal preference)

napa cabbage

fresh, young ginger

Let napa cabbage and carrot (or your favorite veggies) sit out on the counter 1-2 days, or until slightly limp. Peel and thinly slice cabbage, carrot and ginger. Place vegetables in a non-reactive (not metal!) pickle press or ceramic bowl. Cover completely with solution of ume plum vinegar and water. Place a plate or cover of some sort over vegetables to press them below the surface of the liquid. Use a weight of some kind to hold them down. Refrigerate.

Pickles will be ready for use in about a day and will keep for 2 weeks or more. If you are careful to keep veggies completely submerged, the life of your pickles will be greatly extended. If a white scum develops, that indicates that not enough vinegar was used or they have been contaminated.

Note: Once submerged in the ume/water solution, the veggies will lose mass dramatically. If you had leftover cabbage or carrot during preparation that would not fit into the container, reserve it. In a day or two, it may easily fit into the jar!

One more thing! Tweak your brine ratio to suit your taste. If you happen to find your result too strong, simply rinse pickles before serving.